Where to link in time of disaster
Disaster Information
- Shimane Disaster Portal (Japanese, English, Chinese, Portuguese, Korean, Tagalog)
※ Multilingual translation is based on google translation.
- Landslide Disaster Information (Japanese)
- National Meteorological Agency (Japanese)
- National Meteorological Agency (Multiligual)
- Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)
Disaster information for supporting foreign residents (Japanese) - NHK WORLD – JAPAN (Information on disasters and coronavirus in foreign languages Links for Multilingual News & BOSAI Info)
- Japan Tourism Agency: Safety tips Disaster information application for foreign tourists
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.rcsc.safetyTips.android
iphone: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/safety-tips/id858357174?mt=8
Information to help you prepare for a disaster
- Municipal disaster prevention map list (Japanese)
- Shimane Prefecture: Preventing landslide
(Easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Portuguese, Tagalog) - Shimane Prefecture: Preparing for Tsunami
(Easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Portuguese, Tagalog) - Shimane prefecture: Disaster / Emergency card (English, Chinese, Portugese, Tagalog) Convenient, when emergency and disaster happen. Print and always bring with you.
- Cabinet Office: Disaster Prevention Information Page
- Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Fire and Disaster Management Agency: Earthquake Disaster Manual (Japanese)
- Fire and Disaster Management Agency (English)
- Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management E-College (Japanese)
- Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR): Multilingual Living Information
(Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, German, French, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Myamma and Easy Japanese)
Message means useful in the event of a disaster
Disaster message dial
Mobile Phone Internet Disaster Message Board Service
- NTT docomo i-mode Disaster Message Board Service DoCoMo (Japanese)
- NTT docomo i-mode Disaster Message Board Service Docomo (English)
- au Disaster Message Board Service (Japanese)
- au Disaster Message Board Service (English)
- Softbank disaster message board service (Japanese)
- Softbank disaster message board service (English)
Person Finder
You can check your safety and register your safety information.
Useful apps
NICT: Voice Tra Multilingual Speech Translation Application
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.go.nict.voicetra