Social Media Policy
Shimane International Center Social Media Official Account (hereinafter referred to as “Center Official Account”) is the efforts of the Shimane International Center (hereinafter referred to as “Center”), international exchange, international cooperation, and multicultural activities. Providing information on symbiosis, While making the activities of the center more familiar, It is operated based on the following policy, especially to provide meaningful information to foreign residents. By using the above account and its outgoing contents, all users are deemed to have agreed to this social media policy.
1. Basic policy
- Information will be sent to the center’s official account by the center staff, and in principle, opinions and inquiries will be accepted directly by phone or email.
○ Telephone: 0852-31-5056
○ E-mail:
2. However, if you have a consultation using the message function such as Messenger or direct message, we will respond to the extent possible.
2. Center official account list
- Facebook
Account name: Shimane International Center
Account URL: - Instagram
Name: Shimane International Center
User name: shimane_international_center
Account URL: - YouTube
Account name: Shimane International Center
Account URL:
3. Posted
All center staff
4. Correspondence time
As a general rule, posters will post irregularly as necessary during the opening hours (weekdays from 8:30 to 17:15, excluding holidays and the year-end and New Year holidays). However, it may be sent at other dates and times.
5. Response to posts, etc.
- As a general rule, the center does not reply to comments from users or “like” or “follow”.
- We will not accept comments, evaluations, or visitor posts or they will be hidden from users.
6. Compliance items
The user shall not make the following posts. If the content of the post is determined to fall under any of the following, the center may delete the post or take other necessary measures without prior notice.
1) Content falls accusation to the center, other users, or third parties
2) Content that violates or may violate public order and morals, laws and regulations, etc.
3) Content that is different from falsehood or facts, such as impersonating another person
4) Contents that cannot be confirmed as correct or incorrect
5) Advertising, promotion, solicitation, sales activities, and other commercial content
6) Contents for political and religious activities
7) Content that discriminates or promotes discrimination based on race, ideas, beliefs, etc.
8) Content that may infringe intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademark rights, and portrait rights
9) Content that may infringe on personal privacy, such as identifying, disclosing, or leaking personal information such as addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses regarding other users or third parties.
10) Contents to distribute harmful programs, etc.
11) Contents that are disadvantageous to the center, other users, or third parties
12) Other contents that the center deems inappropriate and links to homepages containing these contents
7. Regarding copyright
- All copyrights (or intellectual property rights) of the content transmitted from the center’s official account belong to the center, except for those specifically stated.
- Within each social media service, it is possible to use, quote, and send the contents of the center’s official account based on the terms of use.
8. Disclaimer
- We pay close attention to the accuracy of the contents of the center official account and the safety in operation, but we guarantee that we will eliminate all the possibility of content errors and human falsification by third parties. The Center is not responsible for any damages caused by the use of the Center’s official account and the information transmitted from that account.
- The center official account may change the service content and format, and suspend or terminate the provision of some or all functions without notice. This social media policy is subject to change without notice.
- If we change this social media policy, we will notify you by presenting it on the center website. The change shall take effect from the time the change is presented.