Medical insurance and Pension
- Q: Can a family member visiting Japan on a Visiting Relatives Visa take out National Health Insurance?
- A:
As the visa is only for three months, the family member cannot take out National Health Insurance, so they must take out private insurance.
- Q: I want to apply for National Health Insurance, but I do not understand Japanese. What should I do?
- A:
You can apply for it at the municipal office of your residence. If you have any language trouble while going through the application procedure, the SIC (TEL: 0852-31-5056) can dispatch an interpreter.
- Q: I want to find out my pension record. Where can I find this information?
- A:
You should contact the Social Insurance Office that is managed by your city, town or village. If you live in Matsue, this would be the Matsue Social Insurance Office (TEL: 0852-23-9452).
- Q: My child has suddenly fallen sick and I want to take him/her to the hospital, but I don't know Japanese. Can you dispatch an interpreter?
- A:
The SIC can dispatch a Community Interpreter Volunteer.