• Thank you always for subscribing to our newsletter.
    The multilingual e-mail newsletter “ifms.jp” for mobile phones will renew.
    The e-mail newsletter delivery system will be shifted to a new system, domain name: “sic-info.org” starting in July.
    Foreign languages will be able to be displayed in their original fonts, making everything easier to read.We look forward to your continued support.

    ●The people for whom the domain designated reception is set, please change the setting to receive the email from the new domain. If you do not do this, emails from Shimane International Center may be divided in two.
    ★ New domain “sic-info.org”

    ●There is possibility you may need to change your receiving address from your mobile phone address to your PC address because character corruption occurs with some mobile phones.
    We apologize for the inconvenience, and also thank you for your understanding.

    ● When you change the e-mail address, you work to resign once, and reregister in a new e-mail address again.

    ★ Registry and cancellation address according to the language

    https://www.sic-info.org/services/mailmagazine/」 (Japanese)
    https://www.sic-info.org/en/services/mailmagazine/ 」 (English / Portuguese )
    https://www.sic-info.org/cn/services/mailmagazine/」 (Chinese)
    https://www.sic-info.org/tg/services/mailmagazine/」 (Tagalog)