
Event in Masuda & Gotsu

In Masuda: The Harvest Festival
When? = October 13, (Sat.) 9:00-16:00
Where? = EAGA ( It is front of Masuda Station)
Contents= ・Selling special local products
・Get prizes with playing quoits
・Iwami Kagura (sacred music and dance)・Playing Yamato-Daiko
・Exhibition - Kirie (a paper cutout)

In Gotsu: Kagura every night in October
When? = October 1~October 31, 20:30-21:30
Where? = "Yunomachi Kagura-den" in Arifuku Onsen
Contents = They perform Kagura more than two stories for every day.
Amenity = ①Get Kagura goods by lottery
②Taking pictures with them after the performances.
Administration fee = 500yen.

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