
Let's make "Matsue Castle Town after 50 years" with LEGO by your out of the box.

Hello! from SIC
[Event Information in Matsue]Let's make "Matsue Castle Town after 50 years" with LEGO by your out of the box.
When: First try = July 16th, (Sat.) Second try = July 17th, (Sun.), Third try July 18th, (Mon.)
There are 2 sessions each of the day: 9:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:00
Place: Matsue Historical Museum, Kikaku-Tenji room (Planning & Exhibit room)
Inquiry & Participants: 3rd grader to 6th grader in elementary school ( first come first serve)
Participant fee: Free
How to make: ①Make a group → ②Take counsel together what you want to make → ③Think about how to do it by drawing pictures → ④Make it as a practical matter → ⑤Finish up the LEGO → ⑥Get a certificate as a LEGO Jr. builder
Apply to the Promote meeting office: TEL:0852-32-0400 FAX: 0852-23-2960

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