
First sunrise of the new year/ get ready for winter

Hello!- from SIC
[Event in Matsue] Let's see the first sunrise of the new year at the top of Matsue Castle Tower.
Time: 6:30~8:30 (The time of the sunrise: around 7:17)
Fee: 550yen for an adult, 280yen for a child
*First 50 applicants
*You can see it from the field of the keep (Honmaru-Hiroba) with no charge.
Let's hope it will be a fine day.

[Living information] Get ready for Winter
●We had the first frost of the season today. It is about time to get ready for winter tires.
●It is time colds start going around. Make it a habit to gargle and wash your hands with soap as soon as you get back home.
●Vaccination against Influenza is recommendable. It is available at around 3,000yen at medical institutions. Check the price as it varies from clinic to clinic.

~This is based on the SIC mobile phone email newsletter.

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